Server Error Codes
Server Error Codes
ERROR 5 - "Can't connect to the HTTP-part of the server."
(Connect again. If it still doesn't work, check if the server is on or off, and then, try again.)
ERROR 6 - "Connection Lost"
(Just a connection loss, connecting again to the server will fix it.)
ERROR 7 - "I don't think it works as how it should be"
(Something didn't work correctly! Connecting again to the server will fix it.)
ERROR 10 - "Invalid login-session, try again."
(As it says, you have to relaunch the game.)
ERROR 13 - "Can't connect to the XMPP-part of the server."
(Connecting again will fix the issue.)
ERROR 404- "Not Found"
(Connecting again will fix the issue.)
ERROR 500 - "Server declines a data receive"
(Connecting again will fix the issue.)
Out of Memory
(Check if your computer/laptop has enough memory to run the game.)
Error Code Not Listed?
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Last updated
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